In Conversation with Lily Paulson-Ellis, Interior Designer
Lily Paulson-Ellis - LPE DESIGNS
LPE Designs create homes that have comfort and practicality at their core and that stand the test of time. We enjoy getting rooms to work practically at a really detailed level. We don’t believe in imposing a signature look onto our projects and instead work closely with our clients to establish how they will live in their home, their values and their identity.

What inspired you to be an interior designer?
When I was 9 we had a house fire at home and my parents had to rebuild half the house. They allowed me to get involved in the
If they were to make a toy action figure of you, what would your accessory be?
A tape measure!

To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life within the design world has taken?
Setting up my own company when I had my children have learnt so much from my time at Taylor Howes Designs.

What would be your dream interior project?
A Chalet in the French Alps
What’s something you know you do differently than most people?
Not having a signature style to impose on our clients, each project reflects the client very strongly.
If you could go back in time and speak to your adolescent self, what advice would you give them about the design world?
Photograph every project you can - your portfolio is everything!
Lily Paulson-Ellis Interior Design
Follow Lily on Instagram: @lpedesignslondon
Image courtesy of Lily Paulson-Ellis Interior Design